#eye #eye

CJENM x Akanga - Deep End series (2022)

A five-part series DEEP END 《深網》 is streaming in Taiwan and Singapore.

Starring 温昇豪 James Wen , 陳雪甄 Vera Chen, 俞宏榮 Peter Yu and many more, the psychological thriller plunges a troubled police officer investigating a revenge-porn murder into the dark world of cybersex crime. (Think deep fake!)

Production: Akanga Film Asia, CJ ENM HK
Directors: K. Rajagopal and  Yeo Siew Hua
Writers: Kaylene Tan, Rajagopal, and Yeo Siew Hua
Post: Infinite Frameworks
Editors: Lim Yen and Tan Wei Ting
Available to watch on: Singtel e乐, TV GO, CAST.sg 中華電信MOD + HamiVideo
